Terms and Conditions

(please click the ACCEPT button at the end of this page to proceed)
  1. Disability Rights Texas is a nonprofit legal organization created by and primarily funded by the United States Congress to assist TEXAS residents with legal problems arising from disability-related issues. Due to our limited resources,
    DRTx does NOT accept or handle cases in the following areas:
    1. Representation for criminal, probation or parole matters. Further, DRTx does not handle cases or complaints of TDCJ inmates involving the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) or the Bureau of Federal Prisons (BOP). (EXCEPTION: If a case involves juveniles with disabilities who receive tickets at school, please continue to the service request).
    2. Cases involving a person applying for SSI or SSDI benefits for the first time or assisting with the appeal of a denial of SSI or SSDI benefits by the Social Security Administration. (EXCEPTION: If you are already receiving SSA benefits and have questions about returning to work; or, if your case involves appealing a Medicaid or Medicare decision, please continue to the service request).
    3. Representation on family law-related matters, including but not limited to, divorce, property settlements, child support enforcement, or child custody disputes. (EXCEPTION: If your case involves Texas Department of Family Protective Services (TDFPS) threatening to remove child(ren) because of a parent’s disability, please continue to the service request).
    4. Issues involving a person seeking guardianship over the estate of or over the person with a disability. (EXCEPTION: If your case involves seeking a removal of or a challenge to a proposed guardianship, please continue to the service request).
    5. Matters involving worker’s compensation insurance and/or benefits.
    6. Matters involving disputes with private health care insurance companies. (Exception: If your issue involves a private insurance company that is also your Medicaid Managed Healthcare Organization (MCO), please continue to the service request).
    7. Issues involving assistance in finding and securing housing, finding employment, or securing financial/monetary assistance. (EXCEPTION: If you receive services from the Local Mental Health Authority (formerly MHMR), TWS-VRC (formerly DARS), or another State of Texas agency, you may be able to secure assistance in issues involving State of Texas agencies. If this is the case, please continue to the service request).
    8. Being sued for non-payment of a bill, a dispute with a contractor, warranties, or product defects.
    9. If DRTx is unable to provide assistance on your matter, please refer to the list of resources.
  2. This form of communication between Disability Rights Texas and an individual does NOT create an Attorney-Client relationship.
  3. In order to protect your personal information, please remember to “log out” of the program and close all browser windows when you have completed the form. Doing this is very important, especially if you are using a computer or devices that are shared by others, like those found at the public library, a school, or the like. Disability Rights Texas is NOT responsible for a user’s failure to protect his or her information. In order for the application to be processed and considered by DRTx, it is necessary that all of the marked fields are completed and answered.
  4. DRTx appreciates your cooperation in these matters.
I accept the terms and conditions listed above